10. Fachtagung Veranstaltungssicherheit                                             

About the IBIT

"Crowded spaces" are areas where large numbers of people regularly gather. These can be railway stations, city centres or even major events.
Planning for and managing crowds in these areas places significant demands on the expertise of all those involved. IBIT provides this expertise through education and training, counselling and research. IBIT is the leading interdisciplinary knowledge service provider in this field by means of innovative concepts for professionalisation and standardisation with regard to the safety of people in crowds and the networking of theory and practice.


Our approach: learning in the round

That means:

Continuous learning.
With and from each other.
In all areas.
Without prejudice and without sensitivities.

Education - knowing what is needed

The range of courses we offer is geared towards the challenges of the real world: whether event security or crowd management for public areas, whether security service concepts or visitor guidance at railway stations. Our aim is to provide the right offer for every enquiry, taking into account best practice solutions as well as the latest security research findings, for example.

Counselling - knowing what to ask

We do not see consulting for events or for the planning and management of large crowds as standard solutions based on blueprints, but as a path to a customised solution that we develop and follow together with the customer. By asking the right questions, we guide you to the right answers. Consulting with us is a holistic process with the aim of implementing a sustainable result.

Research - Knowing what is still missing

Improving standards, monitoring changes, reviewing the tried and tested: We are not satisfied with the status quo. The context in which we work is constantly changing. For this reason, we are involved in interdisciplinary safety research on aspects of crowd safety, publish specialised texts and participate intensively in committee work on various topics.

The MAGAZINE for safety culture

The free MAGAZINE is published several times a year and covers a wide range of topics relating to the safety of large crowds. MAGAZINE bundles content and knowledge and provides a platform for the transfer of knowledge. In addition to focal topics, MAGAZINE offers news, application examples and assistance. MAGAZIN für Sicherheitskultur is the only magazine of its kind in the German-speaking world.

Knowledge - there is always something to learn

Whether through additional KNOWLEDGE DAYS, our newsletter or in the form of our extensive library and database: improving the safety of people in large crowds is our concern. Additional offers, dates and topics are published in our newsletter, in addition to interesting publications, current offers or our latest plans and ideas.